Some Deadlines Extended for Genea-Blogger Group Games Entries

First of all, Thomas, Kathryn and I want to say a huge “thank you” to FamilyTreeMagazine for publicizing the Summer 2008 Genea-Blogger Group Games in both their blog and their e-newsletter. We’ve received such a overwhelming onslaught of requests from people wanting to sign up, that we are extending a couple of deadlines (these deadlines will be changed on our official rules of participation post). The changes have been made below and are listed in bold red font:

1. Sign up at the Facebook Genea-Blogger Group page by RSVPing to the Genea-Blogger Group Games that will be listed in the Events menu on that page. Submission deadline is 9:00 AM, Pacific Daylight Time on August 8, 2008. Only participants who have signed up in advance will be listed in the Opening Ceremonies. If you are not yet a Facebook and Genea-Blogger Group member, you must sign up for these immediately. Administrators can also participate.

E-mail Miriam Midkiff by 9:00 AM, Pacific Daylight Time on August 8 with the following information which will be used during the Opening Ceremonies:

A. The name of the country in which you now reside.

B. An attached graphic of a flag you create yourself at WeAreMulticolored representing your ancestry, heritage, or personal expression. Please explain the heritage or special meaning behind your flag.

C. The URL (web address) of your blog.

Please note that the following deadline remains in place:

2. Participate in Opening Ceremonies by publishing a post on your blog on August 8, 2008, by 12:00 noon, PDT describing the categories in which you will compete. Describe your goals for achievement. Look for the Official List of Competitors at AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors to be posted later that day. These are our Opening Ceremonies.

The obvious factor is, if you don’t have a blog, you won’t be able to participate. If you want a quick tutorial on creating one, please visit Robert Ragan’s easy tutorial here.

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